Category: City Life

  • A Summer of PKN & PT

    It’s been a while since my last update, I know, but things keep on keeping. On the PechaKucha Night side of things, since April we held events both in May (Vol. 36, themed on “gaming”) and July (Vol. 37) at our usual venue of Studio 9. The July event marked the start of a “triple…

  • PauseTalk Next Week

    One of the interesting things that has happened since my return to Asia is the return of PauseTalk. As I wrote in detail in this post, when I left Tokyo back in 2015 I also decided to put an end to my PauseTalk series (with Vol. 85). I wasn’t really interested in handing it over…

  • PechaKucha

    I’m happy to say that I’m getting in the PechaKucha swing of things again, getting involved with the PechaKucha Night series in Shanghai in the lead-up to our move there. This is not to say that I left PechaKucha completely behind after I left Tokyo and the organization back in 2015. I’m still a strong…

  • Friday Fluke

    Pretty much ever since I’ve worked at Ubisoft Montréal, I’ve sent out an email at 16:oo on Fridays to invite everyone on the team to take it easy as we head into the weekend. It started out as a pretty typical “beer mail” — as Production Coordinator on For Honor, one of the things I…

  • Googie

    I finally have the name to associate with a type of old-school diner/coffee shop I love so much: googie (here are some photos). I came across it while reading an article in a recent issue of Monocle (the October 2018 issue, which I hadn’t finished reading). Although it’s a disappearing genre, there’s a bright spot…

  • GameLoop & GCX

    Today was an enjoyable day, taking in Montreal’s annual GameLoop “unconference” — “unconference” in the sense that as a group we crowdsource the sessions for the day, with each session then acting as a salon-type discussion. After leaving Japan and moving to Montreal, it’s taken a while for me to decide to start attending this…

  • Tokyo Signs

    I don’t know how I missed this, but I’m in love with everything that Tokyo Signs has to offer — t-shirts, iPhone cases, a tote bag, and even a pair of tights, all inspired by Tokyo’s signage. The line is produced by Bento Graphics (led by my buddy Benjamin) and they promise items in the future.…

  • Shibuya-kei Festival

    I so wish I could have attended this Shibuya-kei festival (Shibuya Music Scramble 2017), featuring Maki Nomiya, Yasuharu Konishi, Halfby, Hideki Kaji… Read the amazing report by Patrick here.