Category: Food

  • The Eater Guide to Tokyo

    I haven’t had a chance to read through all of it yet, but Eater has posted what looks like a fantastic guide to eating in Tokyo. There’s tons of content, including a massive essay by Craig on pizza (no joke).

  • Ramen Restaurant

    I really love this illustration by Mateusz Urbanowicz that he shared in a tweet, of a ramen shop he visited.

  • Let’s Talk About Noren

    The noren is certainly one of the most recognizable aspects of Japan’s traditional retail spaces. J.J. O’Donoghue writes a piece for the Japan Times that could pretty much be described as “everything you ever wanted to know about noren but were afraid to ask.”

  • Koffee Mameya

    Omotesando Koffee is back, sorta. I was sad to hear about its closing back in 2015, but Eiichi Kunitomo is not only back with a new shop at the exact same location (in the back streets of Harajuku/Aoyama), but with a twist as well. Koffee Mameya is more interested in selling you beans than serving coffee —…

  • State of Tokyo

    State of Tokyo is a rather nice new site by Alex Abian covering the people and places of Tokyo, with beautiful photography throughout. Looks like it’s going to be fun to follow, with coverage of places like Takeo, a tiny little restaurant in Shibuya that is run in the mornings by the pictured Takeo (in the…

  • Chichibu Distillery

    Monocle has a new video up that covers makers of gin, wine, and whiskey, and one of them (the final part in the video) is the Chichibu-based Chichibu Distillery, maker of what looks like rather tasty whiskey. I’ve been to Chichibu a few times for hiking, but I should have paid more attention to this.

  • Tokyo Saryo

    Fuck hand-drip coffee, here’s the arrival of hand-drip green tea, which you can get at this newly opened — and beautifully minimalist in design — cafe in Sangenjaya, called Tokyo Saryo. More details and photos in this Spoon & Tamago post.

  • Bake’s Kyoto Shop

    Bake sounds like a very interesting pastry shop/chain — read more about the company in this Spoon & Tamago post — and pictured here is its latest shop, located in Kyoto. Yup, those are Lego blocks that you see as part of the decor.