Museums by Yoshio Taniguchi

You just know I’m going to be seeing this show!

We are proud to present this one-person show of architect Yoshio Taniguchi, one of today’s most recognized architects. Taniguchi is famous for his expansion design for the newly re-opened Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York. His works are characterized by simple modernist spaces and a dramatic use of light.

This international traveling exhibition was organized by MoMA as “Yoshio Taniguchi: Nine Museums” for the re-opening of the museum in November 2004. A few additions were made for the Japanese audience.

On exhibit are architectural models, photographs, and visual documentations of 12 museums Taniguchi designed. The MoMA project is especially well documented, retracing the history of the building, the competion with 10 other international architects, the eventual selection of Taniguchi’s design, all the way up to its completion. (TAB)

It’s at the Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery until June 26.