Category: Meta

  • Remnants of MT

    Seems like the site has been switching back and forth between MT and WP because I didn’t really delete my MT installation, thinking I’d keep it there so that I can revert to it in case of any problems that I might encounter. Problem is, as a lot of people probably get to my site…

  • Getting WPed

    Just a quick note to announce that the site will be switching from using Movable Type to WordPress either tonight or tomorrow. This won’t affect readers of the web version of the site, but I’m posting this here now while still on MT for you RSS feed users, as those will change. The following are…

  • WordPress Rocks!

    Sorry for the lack of posts, but I’ve fallen in love with a little thing called WordPress. It’s blog software, like Movable Type (what I use to power this site), but open source, and entirely based in PHP and MySQL. It took 5 minutes to install. It’s powerful as hell. All the tags are PHP…

  • (found through Warren Ellis) is something that looks very intriguing. Let’s you stream music files (makes them smaller sized than regular MP3s) from your site, sort of like having your own private radio station. It it weren’t for the high traffic this site gets, I would love to use it in order to share…

  • This Is a Magazine

    I don’t think I’ve really talked about it here, but this is something I’ve mentioned to a few people. This is a magazine. By this, I mean that I see this site as being a magazine more than a blog. Ideally, if it could all be automated, every months content would be listed as a…