Month: December 2003

  • Imposing Samurai

    The advertisements for THE LAST SAMURAI are just everywhere. Tom Cruise is also popping up everywhere on TV. This is a shot of the Hachiko side of the station in Shibuya.

  • Apple Versus Louis Vuitton

    Apple to become the Louis Vuitton of computing? The opportunity is there, according to

  • Keitai TV

    I just noticed recently that the new AU mobile phones let you watch broadcast TV on them. Will wonders never cease…

  • Danwei

    Found a new blog to add to my favorites, Jeremy Goldkorn’s Danwei. Bills itself as a look at “media and advertising in the People’s Republic of China.” Got the link from Boing Boing, regarding the Mu Zi Mei sexually explicit blogging incident.

  • Dining Bar Complex

    A new dining bar complex is opening today not far from my place. There used to be a family restaurant at the location, and after it closed a month or two ago, I was always wondering what was going to take its place. I only noticed construction taking place maybe a week or two ago,…