Month: January 2004
Useless or unuseless, I’m not sure, but the following Japanese inventions sure are wacky.
Casa Brutus and Noguchi Isamu
Just a heads up to let you know that the latest issue of CASA BRUTUS (February 2004) is a bilingual one, and it features a look at designer Noguchi Isamu.
Latest Projects
Of course, I talk about not having time to concentrate on the site, but at the same time I’m working on a brand new update (version 4.0, which I think will better represent all of the things that I’m producing these days, and will also let me start moblogging with pics twice the size of…
The New Radicals
Great feature in this week’s Asian edition of TIME on the linglei, the new radicals of China. “[A] generation of Chinese […] are now in the process of deciding what they want to be when they grow up. No longer forced to fit into a regimented Maoist monoculture, their range of possibilities has diversified along…
News Otaku
You might have noticed a slowdown in postings lately (although I’ve kept up with the daily pics), and that’s probably in part due to an unfortunate new addiction: political news. I’ve never really been a political news hound, but for some reason, I’ve become quite the junkie of the US Democratic race (even though I’m…
Tsukumo on TV
That ramen shop I talked about a few weeks ago known for its cheese ramen, Tsukumo, is being featured on TV right now. It’s a special on ramen shops in the Ebisu area, and the hosts are having a bowl of the infamous cheese ramen. Looks like they’re quite enjoying it. It’s nice to be…
Giant advertisement at Shibuya station featuring Sakamoto Ryuichi. His new single, “Undercooled,” is out. It’s him getting back to electronics, and it announces a soon-to-be-released full-length album. I’ve had a chance to listen to the single, and after only one listen, I think I prefer the b-side, “NGO.” Shot taken with the A5403CA mobile phone.
Kouryu must be a famous shop, as the walls were covered with these autographs by well-known visitors.