Month: October 2013

  • The Purge

    This is better than you would think. The premise is a bit hokey, but the tension is great, especially once the “invaders” make their appearance. Ended up having a good time watching this, up to the end. Doesn’t beat The Strangers though in terms of creepiest home invasion film.

  • Room 237

    While watching this, more than enjoying the theories that the narrators suggest about The Shining, I was just reminded of how much I love that film, and enjoyed the clips. The theories are fun though, although the fact that you are never shown the narrators kinda works and doesn’t – doesn’t in the sense that…

  • Before Midnight

    I’ve basically aged with these characters, being at the same point in my life as they are when a new film in the series has come out. I’ve really liked these movies, but I have to say that this one hit a bit too close to home – the conflict within – and so I…

  • Man of Steel

    It may be because I came in with pretty low expectations – considering that so many of my friends appear to not like this movie – but I ended up rather enjoying this. As big a comic geek as I am, I have never liked Superman, but I thought this was a pretty good take…

  • Monsters University

    I’m a bit surprised by how much I enjoyed this movie, considering that I don’t have any particularly strong love for the first one (liked it, but don’t remember loving it). I really, really liked this one, thought it was a fun story, and pretty damn funny. I mean, it’s no Wall-E or Up, but…