Month: April 2019

  • Recent TV (April 2019)

    In recent years, the majority of my TV watching has been of the streaming variety, mostly binged from Netflix. I did notice that I’m watching a few series on a weekly basis this month, and here they are. Doom Patrol. I thought the Titans series was pretty good, and my favorite episode from its first…

  • Bond 25

    I am indeed a huge Bond fan, have been one my whole life, so you can imagine my excitement this week when I learned that they were going to have a live stream to announce details about the upcoming Bond film, 25th in the series. It’s something they also did for the previous film, Spectre,…

  • Like it’s 1988

    It’s been a while since I’ve written up a mini review for one of my year-based movie marathons (1967, 1968, 1977, 1978, 1985, 1986, 1987), and that’s because I was still planning on watching a few more movies for 1988, but I sort of stalled at the start of the year. Even though there were a few more films…

  • Googie

    I finally have the name to associate with a type of old-school diner/coffee shop I love so much: googie (here are some photos). I came across it while reading an article in a recent issue of Monocle (the October 2018 issue, which I hadn’t finished reading). Although it’s a disappearing genre, there’s a bright spot…

  • The Artists

    If you’re at all interested in gaming culture, I can’t recommend enough The Artists: The Pioneers Behind the Pixels, a series of short (about 10-minutes each) documentaries released last year that take a look at various aspects of gaming history, produced by the CBC. There are 10 episodes in all, and you can stream them…

  • May 2019 Writing Challenge

    I’ve been feeling a bit bad lately that I haven’t been writing much here — something that I like doing for myself, as a continuation of what I started way, way back in 1998. So just like I gave myself a challenge to get back into reading books in a bit of an agressive way…

  • My Ten Favorite Anime Series

    At work I like to organize some fun times at the end of every week — I even have a name for it, the “Friday Fluke.” Part of it is getting a drink, relaxing a bit with colleagues, and playing some games (our go-to tends to be various forms of Werewolf). Last week I introduced…