Tag: iOS

  • Pathfinder Adventures

    I’ve been wanting this card game for ages, but I never picked it up because it’s pricey, especially when I was in Tokyo and looking at import prices. That’s why I was pretty excited when I found out that they were planning on making an iOS version (and I think it’s also on Android and…

  • Miitomo

    A lot of people are playing with this right now (it came out outside of Japan on Thursday), and you’re hearing a lot of “what’s the point here,” and the thing is that there isn’t one, really. It’s just a way to spend some time looking at funny things, with a light level of interaction (answering…

  • Rival Books of Aster

    I am absolutely falling in love with a new collectible card game on iOS called Rival Books of Aster that just came out (although it seems like it’s currently only available in the Canadian App Store). The gameplay is sort of a cross between Hearthstone and Magic: The Gathering, while still feeling original. The first…

  • OK K.O.! Lakewood Plaza Turbo

    I really like the idea behind Cartoon Network’s new game, of creating a new series but starting out with a game, not a proper animated cartoon show – this Wired piece explains what they’re up to with this. I was excited to give OK K.O.! Lakewood Plaza Turbo a try, and I gotta say, it’s…

  • Super Hexagon

    Even though it’s all everyone was talking about when it originally came out, for some reason I never got around to playing Super Hexagon. I finally got around to playing it recently (on iPad), and even though I am absolutely dumbfounded as to how I see on my friends list times as high as 70-90…

  • Pocket Mortys

    You like Pokémon games? You like Rick and Morty? Well have I got the game for you. I’ve personally never played a Pokémon game – have never been interested in playing one, and have no nostalgia for the series – but I do know what they’re all about, and so it’s pretty funny to see…

  • Clash Royale

    I’ve dabbled in Clash of Clans, and it never really grabbed me, but I was curious to check out Supercell’s new spinoff game, Clash Royale – what can I say, I tend to be a sucker when the word “card” is mentioned. I’ve played a bunch so far, and I’m still having a lot of fun…

  • Lifeline

    This game happens to be free this week on the App Store, but I bought it over the holidays, and my wife and I ended up having quite a bit of fun with it – in fact, we bought the bundle that includes all 3 games in the series. It’s a text adventure game, to…

  • Magic: The Gathering – Puzzle Quest

    I’ve been playing Magic pretty much since its inception, and I was a huge fan of the original Puzzle Quest game, so seeing that there was a game (on iOS) out that combines the two, I was wondering if this would be the Reese’s Pieces of games. Well, it sure is fun, that’s for sure. I…

  • Disney Infinity 3.0

    Up until now I’ve had no interest in this – the last thing I want is to be collecting any more figures, and I’ve never had a huge desire to play games based on Disney properties, and I’ve had my fill of Marvel with the LEGO games. But I’ve been bitten hard by the Star…