Tomorrow marks the release date of the new Kaji Hideki album, LOV SONGS, on Felicity Records. My wife being the Kaji-kun freak that she is, I of course had to pick it up today (in Tokyo, you can always buy an album the day before of its official release date). I’m about halfway through listening to it, and it sounds like the vintage happy Swedish-influenced pop that we’re so accustomed to getting from him, which is not a bad thing. Makes for some nice Summer music. They had a segment on him the other day on one of the music channels, and after the interview they played the video for the first single, “Good Morning Call Song,” which was really fun. I imagine we’ll try to see one of the live shows he’ll do to support the album (I believe there will be one in September at the new Liquid Room in Ebisu), because Yuko demands it.
Lov Songs