Thanks to help from Yuko’s mother, I was able to replace my lost phone with the Sony Ericsson W21S phone from AU, the “future white” model. This is one of the WIN phones, which is the high-bandwidth line from AU. What it means, is that I have a flat-fee unlimited 2.4Mbps connection to the internet. It’s also the first time in years that I have a bilingual phone, which means that I’ll actually be able to use all of the features on this baby. The megapixel count goes down to 1.3 (my previous phone had 2 megapixels), but it’s good enough for my needs (posting pics on my site), and I really wanted the high bandwidth of the WIN phones. There are plenty of things that I’m learning to do with it now, like read QR barcodes (I can now vouch that the one on my site works fine), and some silly things like use it as a TV remote (it actually works). Paul has the same phone, and it’s after seeing his in action and hearing him talk about it that I decided to get the same one.