

I’d never heard of Kathy before, but they sure do sound interesting. Here’s a bit from Ozaki Tetsuya’s latest OUT OF TOKYO column, where he talks about the Kathy performance at the recent Arto Lindsay show.

For those unfamiliar with Kathy I’ll introduce them briefly. The three girls that make up the performance group all have a dance background, and reportedly don’t like it when people categorize their art as “contemporary dance”. They usually wear wide and fluffy, girlish dresses, blonde or brunette ’60s-style wigs, and black stockings over their faces. Sometimes they appear as a trio, and sometimes in collaborations with other performers such as artist Taro Chiezo, fashion designer Tsumura Kosuke, fashion/theatre (?) unit Theatre Products, and others from a variety of different genres.

I wish that Lindsay show hadn’t been so expensive.