I’ve had an account on Flickr for ages, but never did anything with it. I’ve never really found any use for all the community sites that have come and gone over the past few years, and this just felt like more of the same. But I recently read an article at Wired News that made me see how cool Flickr really is, and I started thinking that I should start playing around with it a bit. Well, today’s the day, and I finally uploaded a few pics. I think I’ll start uploading more and more pics there, and see what kind of feedback I get from it. One of the selling points for the site is that they offer a lot of RSS feeds. For instance, you can subscribe to a feed of just my pics, or subscribe to feeds of certain keywords, say “tokyo,” which will see my pics included in it. There’s probably more fun stuff to do there, so I’ll continue to play around, examining the various features.