Month: July 2005

  • Johnny

    This pic was sent to me the other day by one of my good friends back home. Yes, this is me, probably around 8 years ago. And yes, that’s velour. What was I thinking…

  • That "S" Thing

    You may have noticed that the comment system has seen an obscene amount of spam over the past few days. I’m trying to clean up as often as I can, and I just hope that legitimate comments are not being lost in the cleansing. If it does happen, my apologies. These things tend to come…

  • The Vice Party

    Patrick went to the 1st anniversary party for the invisible Japanese edition of VICE, and does a write-up.

  • Podcasting Juice

    I’m suprised to see Japan getting in on podcasting so fast. Link via Waxy.

  • Anime Column for July

    My new anime column is up at Tokyo Q. This month: me sharing my love for KARAS, followed by an unusually large amount of smaller news items.

  • Muji Oven-Range

    Our microwave/oven died last week, and so I replaced it today with Muji‘s oven-range. I love the simplicity of it. The buttons, which seem blue-ish in the image, are actually a softer gray. Tested it out earlier and it made a perfect set of toasts.

  • This Week in Magazines

    A new issue of AXIS (116) is out, this time with a feature on the MIT Media laboratory, and a cover interview with Shunji Yamanaka. The latest BRUTUS (574) features a cover story on Italian food and restaurants in Tokyo. Architecture lovers will want to take a look at the current issue of PEN, with…

  • Oh! Yeah! Mikey!

    I’m a huge fan of the OH! MIKEY series (thanks to Patrick, who always lends me the new DVD releases), and the next release sounds like an absolute winner. Patrick says (on his Agenda blog): Coming next month is a new Oh! Mikey DVD, this time containing unreleased episodes that didn’t make it to TV.…

  • The Pakuri of Noda Continues

    Marxy follows up his last post on the whole pakuri situation revolving around art director Nagi Noda (I mentioned it here).

  • Elevated Stickers

    Some stickers up on a post off Omotesando.