- PAPER SKY (22) invites us along to Hawaii, for a tour of all that’s “Organic, Fresh, Local.” Hawaii has been getting a lot coverage in Japanese travel-oriented magazines this year, but I do like PAPER SKY’s take, which is focused on what the Japanese would call LOHAS and Eco (terms the magazine’s editor doesn’t seem to like much).
- MAC POWER (212) has a feature on the Adobe Creative Suite 3, but they present the product in an interesting manner, by way of various creator interviews.
- STUDIO VOICE (380) gets quite serious and sets its sights “On Politics.” My poor Japanese reading skills prevent me from commenting much on the feature — it’s not really an issue you can appreciate on a visual level.
- ART iT (16) examines “21st Century Filmic Art.” I especially like their look at “100 groundbreaking works,” which is done by getting 10 suggestions from 10 creators (from various fields) — they’re all listed here.
- There’s a newer issue of BRUTUS out (which I’ll cover in the next magazine post), but the previous one (621) offered up a great guide to traveling in Japan — and the issue is so full of pictures that leafing through is a trip in itself. The insert, “Books that get you going,” lists 143 travel-related tomes.
This Week in Magazines