
Thanks to a new service offered by Kevin Cameron called mfop (Moblog for Other People) I am now able to join the ranks of mobloggers. For those not in the know, moblogging refers to mobile blogging, meaning blogging while on the go, usually through a mobile phone. You write a message in your phone as an email, and that email is immediately made into a post on your website. Nice. For now I’ll only be able to do text logs, but my next mobile (which I’ve been thinking of upgrading lately, so maybe I’ll do it this month or the next) will definitely be able to take pictures, which will make for very interesting logs on the go. So from now on you should be getting some logs from me when I’m not at home, and have the time to thumb in an entry. A big thanks again to Kevin who quickly responded to my first trials (and errors), and quickly set it up so that it would work for me (it wouldn’t accept messages without images).

Also, I think I have about 80% of the new issue of GEISHA ready, so it’ll probably be finished and uploaded by the end of the week. Hopefully.