Month: September 2003

  • Zenigata Kintaro

    There’s a show on TV called ZENIGATA KINTARO, where 4 self-proclaimed poor people face off in a “bimbo battle” (battle of the poor) to see who is considered the poorest (or sorriest) by a panel of celebrities. Every contestant is represented by a comedian who visits the person at their home, shows us how “tight”…

  • Ramen Wars, a Continuing Story

    The ramen wars in Ikebukuro continue. This week saw the opening of the new Taishouken shop on Wednesday, and I still haven’t had a chance to go because the lines are absolutely insane. Yesterday, as I’m walking back home, I pass in front of Komen, my favorite shop, and see that they’ve closed down for…

  • Time Asia on Zatoichi

    There’s a very interesting article on Kitano’s ZATOICHI in this week’s TIME ASIA. It offers insights on the genesis of the film that I hadn’t read anywhere.

  • Scale

    To give you a better idea of the scale of the Kurobe dam. It was massive.

  • Bounce Ko Gals

    Last night I also watched the Japanese film BOUNCE KO GALS, which I think is a must-see for anyone who has a remote interest in the darker aspects of Japanese culture. I think the following synopsis from Subway Cinema describes it well: Japanese filmmakers understand the teenage wasteland the way most of us haven’t since…

  • Dead or Alive

    And last night I brought my DEAD OR ALIVE reverse tour to a close by watching the first one. Let me start off by saying that opening and closing sequences, well, they’re worth the price of admission alone. The film starts off with a bang (or multiple bangs) and ends with the ultimate one. The…

  • Killing Me Softly

    The other night I kept the flow of Asian films going, although more by association than anything else, by watching KILLING ME SOFTLY. If you ignore the credits you would probably be unaware of the Asian connection, but it’s actually directed by Chen Kaige (FAREWELL MY CONCUBINE, TEMPTRESS MOON, THE EMPEROR AND THE ASSASSIN). I…

  • Kurobe Dam

    Before getting to the final station, where our bus taking us back to Tokyo was waiting, we crossed the Kurobe Dam. It was quite impressive, and the next few days will be more pictures of it.

  • Linking

    In the past week it’s happened twice that images I had linked from another site were cut off. I usually tend to link images that refer to something that I’m plugging, which I figured was OK since it helped promote something, but these images were just taken from sites on the Web that had reviewed…

  • First Novel for Warren Ellis

    Warren Ellis, one of my favorite authors, is finally getting a novel published. Here’s the press release: Senior Editor Josh Behar has just acquired rights from Lydia Wills of Writers and Artists to the first novel by best-selling comic book writer Warren Ellis, who has authored two of DC’s hottest franchises; The Authority and Transmetropolitan.…