Canned Coffee

Craig over at Chin Music Press sends word that their latest baby, the “Canned Coffee” site (or dare I say brand), has finally gone live.

Coffee and literature have always made quite a team. There’s nothing quite like opening a new book in your favorite cafe, a steaming cup of coffee by your side. But canned coffee and literature is downright lethal. It’s headache-inducing and desperate. is the urban response to cowboy poetry, a prose inspired by Japan’s multicolored vending machines full of hot and cold coffee cans. features reviews of the canned stuff, coffee-inspired literature and a store with a unique e-book and canned coffee posters. The site is updated every Monday morning; it is meant to make that meager cup of joe from the corporate coffee pot taste just a tad bit better.

I’ve been hearing about this project for a while now, and quite enjoyed poking around the site (and will continue to do so — I’ve subscribed to the feed). They’ve also got some great looking posters for sale (one of them is pictured in this post), and are even experimenting with ebook (PDF) sales (it works great, I just purchased a copy of THE COFFEE JOURNALS).