- CASA BRUTUS (71) devotes another issue (like they did last year) to the home (“My Home 2006”). You get a tour of some of the latest and greatest designs by top architects, and they even include a “Building a Home for Dummies” insert. This is a bilingual issue, so the feature gets translated in English.
- TITLE (71) taunts with the coverline “How About Some Mystery,” and that’s exactly what you get inside, an exhaustive guide to the world of mystery novels, from recommendations to profiles to interviews to books settings (cafes and restaurants that were mentioned in storylines). I picked this one up for Yuko, a mystery buff, and she was quite impressed.
- This month’s STUDIO VOICE (362) covers “Photography Literacy,” which means that they recommend the best photography books in various categories (like “portraits” or “experimental”).
- RELAX (108) offers up its “2006 Relax People File,” which is their feature covering all the people to watch in the coming year.
- The new issue of PEN (168) is all about pop art, and is your guide to the greats, as well as a look at the new vanguard.
- The latest AXIS (119) has Konstantin Grcic on its cover, with a feature that deals with issues of branding at motor shows. Also, the Snapazoo gets a mention in the information section!
This Week in Magazines