Toe and Nathan

I may blog for myself, but this sure made me feel good.

I was checking my @replies on Twitter, and saw this tweet:

8 years ago today, @jeansnow posted this …and that’s how @nathanadams found me. Thank you, Jean. I still owe you a lot!

It was posted by Toe Adams (@pantone185), and this is the post she refers to:

I’ve just been turned on to a really nice blog called Groovisual Diary. It’s written by a Japanese girl called Toe, and she writes all her entries in Japanese and English. The only sad thing is that she wrote a post today saying that she plans on stopping the blog. If you’re into the kind of stuff I talk about here, then you’re sure to enjoy her site, so have a look, and let her know if you’d like to see her keep going.

Even though we haven’t been in touch in years — I would say around the time of that post — I do remember quite enjoying Toe’s blog, and the few emails that we exchanged at the time. But I never knew that that my humble post resulted in this.


Thanks, Toe, for the kind words, and thank you, Nathan, for following my site all those years ago.