Month: June 2015
Picked this up now that it’s out on PS4, and yeah, this is so up my alley. Haven’t played a good shooter (as in shmup) in ages, and the visuals on this are fantastic. Haven’t played that much yet, but I’ve certainly enjoyed what I’ve experienced so far (the first couple of chapters). The one…
Riptide GP2
Picked this up because I miss Wave Race so much, and just want to race on water with decent visuals. The fact that it’s only $7 on PS4 made it an easy sell, as well as hearing that it’s from the same people behind last generation’s Hydro Thunder revival, a game I had a lot…
Her Story
I’ve only played a bit so far, but this is such an interesting game. You play by accessing video recordings of a woman being interviewed/interrogated in regards to a crime, and based on that you need to figure out what really happened. Nice to see a game that incorporates live-action, and it not feeling cheesy.
Fresh Off the Boat
Since getting access to a whole lotta new apps on Apple TV, I was browsing through the ABC one, and decided to check out this show. I remember thinking it sounded just awful when first announced, but I’d since heard that it was actually pretty decent, and having watched 2 episodes now, I gotta say…
Mr. Robot
Man, based on the first episode, this series is fantastic, and I still don’t quite get what it’s doing airing on the USA network (not the place I’d expect to find quality shows). It’s about hacking, and doesn’t feel hokey, and the main character is a revelation – this guy is fantastic to watch. Really…
Under the Dome
This is not a good series. My wife and I did have fun watching it last year, although by the end of season 2 we were pretty much finding it too ridiculous (that egg is so silly) and just kinda lame. But with the 3rd season starting last week, we did decide to check in…
Mad Max: Fury Road
I don’t think I can add anything to the universal praise this movie has gotten already, so I’ll just say that it is indeed glorious, and I loved the fuck out of it. More like this please.
Alive and Well
It’s been a while, but yes, I’m still here. My last post was to announce that I was going to move to Montreal and start working as part of the Shinra Technologies team here in Montreal, where we work from the Square Enix Montréal studio (and are part of the Eidos Montréal family). That move…