I don’t usually revisit a game here, especially one that I’ve owned for about a year, but a strange thing happened with Destiny. I had given up on it fairly early on, despite getting really excited for it after I played the Alpha release in the summer of 2014. I loved many aspects of the game – the aesthetics, the sci-fi world it presented, the moment-to-moment gameplay, the feel of the guns, even the vehicles – but the fact that it barely had a story campaign really bummed me out, and when it got to a point where I felt like I needed to start grinding or get some help, I didn’t really want to play anymore. Fast forward close to a year, and for some reason I decided to give it another go – I think it was when I started seeing what was coming with the Taken King expansion, around the time of E3 – and it just clicked this time. Once I was over level 20, I started understanding the fun and satisfaction you get from logging in every day and doing the daily missions, weeklies, hunting down bounties, playing some Crucible, etc. It also helped that I found a few friends who were playing regularly that I could team up with on most nights, which yes, is where the fun of Destiny truly lies. Now, I’m at a point where I’ve played this game more than any other game I’ve played – and I’m just not the kind of player who tends to spend a lot of time on one game, as I’m constantly excited to play new ones – and I so can’t wait for the release of Taken King, and all of the exciting changes, and new environments, it will bring.