Like it’s 1983

My latest year-based movie marathon (following 1967, 1968, 1977, 1978, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, and 1992) is done and dusted, this time for 1983. I capped it at twenty-five, which is a decent amount — there were still a few films I was meaning to watch (The Right Stuff, The Outsiders, The Meaning of Life, among others) but I felt like it was time to move on. Overall, it was a fun year to revisit, with lots of stuff I loved as a kid, and it was certainly a big year for Stephen King adaptations (Christine, Cujo, The Dead Zone) — and hey, it’s not every year you get two James Bond films. The full lineup was chronicled in this Twitter thread, but below is the full list, with links to my mini reviews on Letterboxd. Next up? 1993 of course.

  1. Christine
  2. Cujo
  3. Flashdance
  4. Joy Sticks
  5. Lone Wolf McQuade
  6. Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence
  7. National Lampoon’s Vacation
  8. Never Say Never Again
  9. Octopussy
  10. Private School
  11. Psycho II
  12. Return of the Jedi
  13. Risky Business
  14. Rock & Rule
  15. Scarface
  16. Sleepaway Camp
  17. Smokey and the Bandit Part 3
  18. Strange Brew
  19. Stroker Ace
  20. Sudden Impact
  21. The Dead Zone
  22. Trading Places
  23. Twilight Zone: The Movie
  24. Videodrome
  25. WarGames