Category: Debaser

  • Welcome Home, Roxy Carmichael

    I was probably just in the right mood for this, because I don’t think it’s an especially good film, but I found myself really enjoying it. Just a sorta feel-good teen drama of the era, and hey, it stars Winona Ryder, which is a-ok with me. Going in I didn’t really remember anything about it,…

  • Goodfellas

    What a great film. I’m pretty sure I haven’t re-watched this since back in the day, and so I was pretty fresh going in, not really remembering how the story went. I think it’s also interesting to see this after The Irishman, as you can draw some interesting parallels — not just the presence of…

  • Robocop 2

    I know that the sequels never had a good reputation, but I was expecting to have fun watching this, and I didn’t. I was especially struck by how badly the “world building” has aged — I feel like the first Robocop still feels relatively “near future,” while this feels squarely as 80s a setting as…

  • Wild at Heart

    It was fun getting back into this era of Lynch, and I also got a big kick out of seeing so much of the Twin Peaks cast in this (the series was happening around this time even, although most are Lynch regulars anyway). It’s weird, it’s wild, in all the right ways. I quite like…

  • Misery

    I’ve rewatched this movie quite a few times over the years, and I enjoy it just as much every single time. Along with The Shining, it’s probably the best Stephen King film adaptation — and it probably doesn’t hurt that it’s one of the rare King novels I’ve actually read and enjoyed (for some reason…

  • Edward Scissorhands

    The first thought when watching this is just how weird it is, I mean, to the point where I wonder if a film like this could even get made anymore — it doesn’t really feel like it. Then, even though you accept that this is just fantasy and so you just go with it, you…

  • The Godfather Part III

    I watched the new re-edit by Coppola, that retitles the film to The Godfather Coda: The Death of Michael Corleone (this is what he originally wanted as a title, but the studio insisted on using “Part III”). In a way I wish I had rewatched the original earlier this year, to then better appreciate how…

  • Die Hard 2

    Die Hard 2 is pretty much the perfect movie sequel. Sure, it’s not as good as the original Die Hard, but you can’t blame it for that, and it manages to be entertaining as all hell, while playing around with the premise that made the original so great (stuck in an environment that’s being controlled…

  • Relic

    I capped off my monthlong horror fest with a triple bill on Halloween night that included The Mortuary Collection, Books of Blood, and then lastly Relic. This was quite good. Incredibly slow and creepy during its buildup, it then climaxes in a harrowing and stressful bout of unexpected horror that’s not specifically scary, but eery,…

  • Books of Blood

    I followed my viewing of The Mortuary Collection with another horror anthology film, Books of Blood, which itself is an adaptation of a Clive Barker book. Feels like I haven’t seen anything new film-wise from Barker in ages (I of course have revisited some of his classic films), and so I was quite looking forward…