Tag: Comics

  • Billy Bat

    The serialization of the latest (and penultimate) volume of Billy Bat was recently completed, and boy does it make me look forward to the final volume, which will begin serialization in June. I can definitely say that I’ve enjoyed Billy Bat more than Urasawa’s 20th Century Boys, and even though it sometimes felt like it…

  • Akira 3

    I’m still in the process of going through Akira again, reading a volume every once in a while. This morning I read through all of volume 3, which is where it starts to diverge the most from the movie. When I read this, it makes me a bit sad that we never got more manga…

  • Ajin

    A friend recommended the manga series Ajin to me earlier today, and I then proceeded to start reading it feverishly, currently up to volume 3. I so love it when a manga series draws you in like this, and you just can’t stop reading chapter after chapter. It tells the rather violent story of a boy…

  • The Walking Dead

    I’ve read the comic series from the very beginning, and only decided to stop reading following the release of last month’s #150 – I’d been growing bored of the series, but I might revisit it later on through trades. As for the TV show, I’ve liked it on and off, but had stopped watching it…

  • Costume Quest: Invasion of the Candy Snatchers

    I love the Costume Quest games from Double Fine dearly, and I’m a big fan of Zac Gorman’s work. Combine the two for a graphic novel? Yeah, this is a really great book that tells an original story based on the world and characters from the games. If you like the games, you’ll absolutely love…

  • Alex + Ada

    I’ve enjoyed everything I’ve read by the Luna Brothers, and although Alex + Ada is by just one of them (Jonathan Luna, along with Sarah Vaughan), it does feel like a proper Luna joint. It’s a near-future tale of a man who receives a lifelike android companion, and then proceeds to give it (her) sentience.…

  • Akira (Manga)

    After re-watching the Akira movie recently, I decided it was about time I revisit the original manga, which I don’t think I’ve re-read in a couple of decades – and that would have been the version that was published by Epic, colorized. I’m reading the B&W version this time, and I just blasted through the…

  • Tokyo Ghost

    When the first issue of this Rick Remender-written series came out, as I tried reading it, I really wasn’t feeling it for some reason – surprising, considering how much I like so much of Remender’s stuff (Deadly Class, Low, Black Science), that I like Sean Murphy art, and that it has a sci-fi cyberpunk-ish setting.…

  • Best American

    Over the years I’ve enjoyed quite a few of the “Best American” short story anthologies – especially the Comics one and the Nonrequired Reading one – and so the other day I was quite happy to catch a one-day sale on Amazon, with each Kindle edition of the 2015 series available for $2. I bought all…

  • The Vision

    I read a lot of comics – and I mean, A LOT – but one thing that I noticed in 2015 is that I gradually started losing interest in pretty much all of the super-hero series being put out by the Big 2 (DC and Marvel). One exception is a series that is only on…