Tag: SNOW Magazine Cafe

  • Magazine Library Extended

    As I just posted on SNOW Magazine, the latest edition of the always excellent “Magazine Library” has been extended until the end of the month due to popular demand — big congrats to David and the crew for putting together another great exhibition. I had a chance to quickly check it out last week —…

  • The Rebirth of Grafik

    As happy as I was to be sent a copy of Grafik for the SNOW Magazine Cafe, it was bittersweet in that it happened just before the magazine was suddenly shut down this past summer. Well, as has been tweeted and blogged by quite a few people today, the editors have regained ownership and will…

  • Clips and Zines

    If you’ll allow me to go analog for a moment, I need to say how much I love the way they displayed all of the participating zines at the launch party (or “reading room”) for the terrific-looking Fanzines book. It’s incredibly simple, using clips, and my first thought was that I should have done something…

  • What is this, a Magazine Blog or Something?

    You may have noticed that over the past couple of weeks I’ve been posting lots in regards to magazines. It is in fact something I’ve “actively” decided to start doing here, and there’s reason for it. First of all, it’s no secret that I have quite a bit of love for that particular medium —…

  • PauseTalk Tonight

    Just your friendly neighborly reminder that this month’s PauseTalk (Vol. 44) happens tonight (September 6) at Cafe Pause, with the usual start time of 20:00 (and the cafe reserved from 19:30). As previously mentioned, I’ll bring out the magazines from last month’s SNOW Magazine Cafe, for anyone who didn’t get at chance to check out…

  • PauseTalk Next Week

    Yes, it’s already time for a new edition of PauseTalk (Vol. 44), set to happen this coming Monday (September 6) at Cafe Pause, with the regular start time of 20:00 — as always, the cafe is reserved for the event from 19:30, so feel free to come early. Although the SNOW Magazine Cafe event ended…

  • SNOW Magazine Cafe Blog

    Yesterday I launched a special blog for the SNOW Magazine Cafe. For those of you who are unable to attend the event here in Tokyo, that’s where you’ll find more details about the show — I’ll be posting stuff throughout the month, including photos and the like. Today I revealed the list of participating titles…

  • But What Does it Look Like?

    Apologies to everyone waiting to see and read more about what the SNOW Magazine Cafe looks like. A bit slammed with work right now, but I’ll be posting stuff soon enough, hopefully by this weekend. Really happy with how it all turned out, although was expecting a bigger turnout for the PauseTalk/opening on Monday —…