A Bad, Bad Week

It’s just been a horrible week for me, hence the lack of updates here in the log. Work wasn’t great (some classes that I would just rather forget as soon as possible), and an update to my iMac sort of screwed up things to a point where I had to re-install everything. Beware of the Mac OS X 10.2.2 update! It slowed down my Mac, prevented me from typing in Japanese (or using the character palette), and removed my ability to do copy and pastes across the system (couldn’t even drag anything, like putting songs in a playlist in iTunes)! The good thing to come out of this is that I was forced to finally do a backup of all my stuff in order to completely delete my drive before re-installing OS X 10.2 (an install on top of 10.2.2 did not fix the problem), and it’s about time. I put everything on a DVD, and it’s good to know that all my pics are finally somewhere secure (can you believe that it was the first time I backed them all up – talk about living dangerously for way too long). Everything is back to normal now, which is a relief. I’ve gone through every upgrade of OS X from 10.0 on up (probably around 10-20 updates), and this is the first time that an upgrade does something bad to my system, so I guess I shouldn’t get too upset yet.