Month: April 2003

  • Sunday

    It’s Sunday, it’s sunny out, if a bit windy. I think today will be the last day that I’ll keep the sakura version of the site up. I’m sort of getting sick of the pink. Everything will be back to the original scheme tomorrow. I’ll probably play around with the colors again in a few…

  • Amino Shiki CM

    You can see 2 Japanese TV commercials for Suntory’s new Amino Shiki drink, that falls in the the now popular category of urban drinks (basically sports drinks marketed to active urban dwellers).

  • Japanese Communists

    The Japanese Communist Party is walking outsite my window right now, screaming slogans for the upcoming Tokyo elections. They sound more like a cult than a political party.

  • Detective Story

    The new Animatrix short is online, a beautifully animated film noir style short called Detective Story. Speaking of these shorts, Florian Perret, who created the artwork for Momus’ latest album, OSKAR TENNIS CHAMPION, recently wrote some comments here, and he mentioned how while in Japan he did some animation work on one of the Animatrix…

  • Graffiti

    Some graffiti from the Yoyogi park area.

  • Miike

    I just ordered this t-shirt from the Geneve Tokyo website. Takashi Miike is one of my favorite directors, and you can read a short piece on him at the site. I found out about Geneve Tokyo through a free paper (containing the articles you see at their site) they put out.

  • Happiness

    The following site is simply beautiful. Perfect for a bit of relaxation during these troubled times.

  • Kua’aina

    Enjoying a monstrous Kua’aina burger in Aoyama.

  • Lantern

    This lantern was hanging in front of a restaurant on the way to Depot in Nakameguro.

  • Hang on the Box

    Hang on the Box are a Beijing all-girl punk band who sing and play catchy tunes. There are a few MP3s on their site. Their first album has been released on a Japanese indie label, and they’ll be playing in Tokyo next week at Shinjuku Loft. I really like the poster for the gig: Found…