I might have mentioned this site in the past, but not sure if I did (doesn’t show up in searches), and it’s something I want to have posted here (this site also acts as my personal notebook, of things I want to know and have filed about the city). The Tokyo Cafe Mania page is about, well, cafes. If I’m not mistaken, it’s the online version of a book you can pick up. Good place to look for nice cafes to visit, and to have a look at the insides (entries usually feature a few pics). I was reminded of it today when Lil linked to it while looking up a cafe I suggested she check out (Terrapin, which I haven’t been to yet, but I have a clipping for it in my cafe/bar scrapbook). She then recommended a cafe in Shimokitazawa she’d been to recently (the Add Cafe). I want to go to the Cafe Ordinaire.
Tokyo Cafe Mania