Month: January 2018

  • It Follows

    Yes, the horror movie that I watched after It, is It Follows — makes for a good double bill, no? (Although I did watch these days apart.) This is an absolutely fantastic film — it was on my watch list for ages, and I was reminded about it this week and finally decided to watch…

  • It (2017)

    Considering the success this has been at the box office, and the fact that I do have a fondness for Stephen King stories, I was pretty excited about watching this. And you’d figure it would be right up my alley — set in the 80s, kids on bikes, etc. I thought it was fine, but…

  • Game Boy 002 – GDC

    “Game Boy” is a weekly column in which I write about being a game developer working in Montreal. You’ll find them all under this category, and it starts here. I’m going to GDC this year. This is a statement I’ve been wanting to make for years and years (probably at least a decade), and I’m…

  • Robocop

    I waited a while to watch Robocop in my 1987 movie run, but that’s only because I had re-watched it a few years ago, so wasn’t in a big hurry to watch it again. This is indeed one of my favorite movies of that year, and also one of the best sci-fi action flicks, period.…

  • Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrole

    I’ve now done movie marathons for 1985, 1986, and 1987, and it’s funny that for each year I’ve watched a Police Academy sequel, without watching the original (which I guess came out in 1984). As expected, these do get worse and worse, but hey, as cultural artifacts of the era, I’m having fun re-watching them.…

  • Innerspace

    The funny thing for me is that as I sat down to watch this, I was fully expecting to watch Honey, I Shrunk the Kids! I’d completely forgotten that this was the Dennis Quaid and Martin Short movie. I did have fun watching it. Martin Short is especially good in his role, with all the…

  • Creepshow 2

    When I decided to watch this I of course remembered the title, but I was a bit blank on what the stories were, and it’s a sign that I must have watched this quite a few times that as I was watching them they all felt so damn familiar. “Thanks for the ride, lady!” I…

  • Lethal Weapon

    Everyone always talks about Die Hard being a Christmas movie, but same could be said for this. Putting whatever feelings you may have for Mel Gibson aside, this is still a pretty great comedy action flick, and def one of the best of that era. And Gary Busey. I can’t really remember how much I…

  • The Untouchables

    This is still a very entertaining flick, and that famous scene in the train station with the baby carriage is still amazing to take in (not as perfectly executed as I remembered, but still a fantastic montage). Sure, it feels more pop than historical, but it’s so satisfying to see these characters try to get…

  • Game Boy 001 – Start

    As I wrote at the start of the year, I want to try something new this year on my blog, and so I’ve decided to try writing a weekly column/post, starting today. I’ve quite enjoyed the past year and a half of blogging I’ve done, after a hiatus of a few years. I liked the…