Category: Debaser

  • Invisible, Inc.

    I don’t tend to play a lot of strategy games – especially not on PC – but as soon as Invisible, Inc. was announced I was interested in it. It’s no secret that I’m sucker for spy-related stuff, and I’m also a huge fan of the games that Klei Entertainment has been putting out (it’s…

  • The Stanley Parable

    Another Johnny-come-lately game for me is The Stanley Parable, which I was almost embarrassed that I hadn’t yet played – blame the fact that for me, playing games on my MacBook Air is still something I have to really push myself to do. The final push came from the fact that I had so much…

  • Super Hexagon

    Even though it’s all everyone was talking about when it originally came out, for some reason I never got around to playing Super Hexagon. I finally got around to playing it recently (on iPad), and even though I am absolutely dumbfounded as to how I see on my friends list times as high as 70-90…

  • Pocket Mortys

    You like Pokémon games? You like Rick and Morty? Well have I got the game for you. I’ve personally never played a Pokémon game – have never been interested in playing one, and have no nostalgia for the series – but I do know what they’re all about, and so it’s pretty funny to see…

  • Rick and Morty

    I’d watched a few episodes of Rick and Morty a couple of years ago, when they first aired, and loved them, but then kinda forgot to keep up with the show. As I’m playing the Pocket Mortys game right now, I figured it was a good time to catch up on the show, and in…

  • The X-Files

    After an uneven start, I thought the second episode of the new X-Files mini-series was rather good. It felt like one of the better old school monster-of-the-week episodes, and no wonder, since it was written/directed by James Wong, who was good at those. In terms of the first episode, my thoughts pretty much echo the…

  • Clash Royale

    I’ve dabbled in Clash of Clans, and it never really grabbed me, but I was curious to check out Supercell’s new spinoff game, Clash Royale – what can I say, I tend to be a sucker when the word “card” is mentioned. I’ve played a bunch so far, and I’m still having a lot of fun…

  • Lifeline

    This game happens to be free this week on the App Store, but I bought it over the holidays, and my wife and I ended up having quite a bit of fun with it – in fact, we bought the bundle that includes all 3 games in the series. It’s a text adventure game, to…

  • Magic: The Gathering – Puzzle Quest

    I’ve been playing Magic pretty much since its inception, and I was a huge fan of the original Puzzle Quest game, so seeing that there was a game (on iOS) out that combines the two, I was wondering if this would be the Reese’s Pieces of games. Well, it sure is fun, that’s for sure. I…

  • TurboGrafx-16

    I of course knew very well of the TurboGrafx-16, and wouldn’t have minded having one back in the day, but that wasn’t the case, and none of my friends had one either, so I never got to play those games other than at demo kiosks at the mall. For some reason, during the holiday break,…