Category: Debaser

  • Marvel Star Wars Comics

    I’ve been enjoying pretty much all of the Star Wars comics from Marvel since they launched earlier this year – the recent Lando mini-series was especially good – and with all of the excitement for the upcoming release of The Force Awakens, I decided to read the only two series from the Marvel books I…

  • Ant-Man

    This movie had no right to be as good as I thought it was – considering all the changes that happened behind-the-scenes during the making of it. But yes, not only was this a hell of a fun ride, I think it’s my favorite Marvel movie since the first Iron Man. I watch all of…

  • Ash vs Evil Dead

    I love Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness so damn much, and I was beyond excited at the idea of getting a TV series that follows that, with good ol’ Bruce as Ash, and Sam Raimi on board as well (and even directing the pilot). The first episode was pretty much everything I was…

  • A New Hope

    Yes, I am indeed caught up in the hype leading up to next month’s release of The Force Awakens (I quite enjoyed cover features in both Entertainment Weekly and Wired), and so have decided to re-watch the original trilogy – I may re-watch the prequels as well, but I’m still not sure if that’s a…

  • The Comeback Kid

    All I know of John Mulaney is that he was a writer on SNL (and was responsible for the Stefon bits) and that after he left that show he had a short-lived sitcom that wasn’t considered very good, but I’d heard good things about his new Netflix comedy special, The Comeback Kid, and so decided…

  • /W Bob and David

    Even though I never watched it back in the day, I know that Mr. Show is considered a true classic of comedy, and so was pretty excited to see this new follow-up series on Netflix – especially since I really do love both Bob and David in whatever I have seen them in. But after…

  • Master of None

    This is absolutely one of the best series to come out of Netflix. Even though I quite like Aziz Ansari (I loved Parks and Recreation), I wasn’t necessarily sold on his new series from the get-go, and wasn’t even really feeling it while watching the first episode. But by episode 2 I was in, and…

  • Tamori’s Ticketing Service

    Efficiency in Japan is no joke. I recently shared this animated GIF on Twitter/Facebook – first shared by my buddy Joseph – and though it’s a really funny skit (featuring the one and only comedian/TV host Tamori-san) it really did strike a chord with me. I make no secret that I’m missing a hell of a lot…

  • Moonbeam City

    I am so in love with this show. I keep trying to really get into Archer – I don’t hate it or anything, but can’t get into a groove of watching multiple episodes for some reason. Moonbeam City is getting compared to Archer a lot – animated comedy for adults that relates to law enforcement…

  • Gotham Season 2

    There seems to be a lot of love-hate for Gotham out there – most of my friends who watch a bunch of the super-hero shows (like Flash and Arrow) have all given up on it. I found myself enjoying the first season though, especially for the Penguin character, who I felt was the true standout.…