Month: March 2003

  • Ready

    The new site is pretty much ready. A few problems I was having were fixed when my friend Patrick came over for a visit yesterday (to watch a video of Japanese group The Modern Choki Chokies, and then a DVD of OH! MIKEY episodes, probably one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen). He just…

  • 10 Years of Wired

    I read through the latest issue of WIRED today, which is its 10th anniversary issue. It made me realize how fast time goes, as I remember reading the first issues, back when I was a university student. Getting old… I turn 30 this year, at the end of May… In a strange twist, I now…

  • Joi Ito

    Great Quicktime stream of Joi Ito describing Japanese democracy (or lack thereof). You can also follow him in his blog.

  • Ochanomizu Station

    Picture taken at Ochanomizu station, as a train arrives at the station.

  • Street Art in Yoyogi Park

    I wanted to mention that the picture that is up now (030314) was taken at Yoyogi park, which is right by Harajuku station. There are these overpasses for people to cross the main street, and on the sides you have plenty of graffiti. It’s also an area populated with homeless people, blue tents and all.

  • Browsers Suck

    Well, after quite a few hours in front of the Mac (went to bed at 5:30 on Thursday) I finally have something that I really like for my site update. Only problem is that although it’s fine on IE, every other browser (I tested on Safari, Mozilla and Chimera) doesn’t seem to display the CSS…

  • Busy

    Sorry for the lack of a new picture today. You might have noticed that I sometimes miss out on putting a new one on the site on Thursdays, and that’s because they are my longest days, and I don’t have so much time before I go to work. I’m also quite busy with work on…

  • Wireless Society

    New rules for a wireless society (in Japan).

  • Photobloggies

    I just learned that my site had been nominated at The 2003 Photobloggies in the “Best Kept Secret Photoblog” category. Nice to know that some people enjoy the site enough to have it nominated. Makes doing this all worth it.

  • Faking Lomo

    Today’s pic (030310) was taken at the Ochanomizu subway station, and what’s particular with it is that I tried giving it a Lomo look through Photoshop from a guide found at this site (I found that using the actions didn’t work well, but the tutorial, if a bit modified, does nicely). I love pics taken…