MOT Annual 2005: Life Actually

Worst exhibition title of the year?

This exhibition gathers female artists including Ikemura Leiko, Konoike Tomoko, Okada Hiroko, as well as Sawada Tomoko, who transformed into a whole class of school girls for a group shot (photo), and Shimada Yoshiko, who reveals “family secrets” she collected from visitors. The entire exhibition space is dominated by a taste you may call both feminine or feminist, displaying female artists’ typical cheeriness, sense of beauty, onscurity and weakness all at once. “MOT Annual 2004 – Where do I come from? Where am I going?” by the way was selected by Tsuzuki Kyoichi as one of the “worst exhibition titles 2004” in the latest issue of ART iT magazine, and I’d suggest this one for 2005 (the original Japanese subtitle translates “Love, Isolation and Smile”…)! (REALTOKYO)

I do want to check this one out, regardless of the title. It’s at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo until March 21.