Month: July 2005

  • Kissa Ginza

    Here’s a view of the Kissa Ginza cafe/bar in Ebisu (moblogged the other day) from the outside.

  • Moving On

    You may have noticed that I’ve removed the Gizmodo box from my sidebar, and that’s because I’ve decided to stop my contributions there. You should definitely keep visiting the site for Japan-related tech-goodness though, especially since Jaime Manzone of Octopus Dropkick! (which seems to be down right now) is now going to be a regular…

  • Jeans, Now, Really!

    See, this is why I really should convert this site to Jeans Now! and get a brand going (from Japan Today): Japanese jeans makers and denim producers are world beaters in terms of their ability to develop new materials and washing processes. Akira Saeki, of the Japan Jeans Makers Association, saying that Japanese designers are…

  • This Week in Magazines

    The new issue of PEN (157) is great (which is starting to be a regular thing), featuring “creative workspaces.” Some of the places where I’d love to work in Tokyo: Neo Cortex, Tokujin Yoshioka Design, Mizuno Pharmacies, and Beacon Communications. I wonder if they’re hiring… There’s a special issue of WWD called GIRLS, featuring, well,…

  • Waseda Cafes

    When I went to the cafe Les Jeux Grenier with Yuki the other day, I asked her to recommend me some nice cafes near the main Waseda University campus (she’s a student there), and here’s what she suggested: Cafe Goto – They’ve got really nice cakes! Cafe Retro (pictured above — notice all the issues…

  • I Am So Sexy!

    And while on the subject of sexy, you might want to check out a new photography exhibition by Katrin Paul, “Oh! Look I Am So Sexy!” I don’t have much info since everything is in Japanese/German, but it happens in Yokohama at TUV Rheinland Japan from July 22 to September 9, and it’s part of…

  • Weekend Pussy

    This fashion label contacted me a while back, and the message unfortunately got filed improperly, and it’s just now that I found it while cleaning things up a bit. It’s called Weekend Pussy (great name), and they feature “sexy, cutting edge fashion, and outfit the stars.” They all describe the label by saying that they…

  • Gun X Sword

    In my last anime column I mentioned the new series GUN X SWORD. I’ll write more in the next column, but just want to say that I did like the first episode. Obviously, it’s still too early to tell if the storyline will be worth following, but the setting and designs are nice. It’s a…

  • 21/21 Design Sight reports news of the new Tokyo Mid-town Project produced 21/21 Design Sight (pictured above), to be built in Roppongi. It’s to be directed by Issey Miyake, Taku Sato, and Naoto Fukasawa, with a building-design by Tadao Ando. Update (16/09/04): The photo is no longer available.

  • MedicomToy Life Entertainment

    Medicom getting into lifestyle accessories is definitely good news for all you Kubrick/Bearbrick aficionados. From Cool Hunting: Having made Kubrick and Bearbrick toys into virtual household names, MedicomToy is the Japanese company credited as one of the originators in the vinyl toy phenomenon. With the launch of Fabrick, their debut line of accessories and décor…