We Love Magazine Library

First with the bad news: if you’re hearing about the “We Love Magazine Library” exhibition for the first time, then you’re out of luck because it ended yesterday. I must apologize for not having posted this before — I had actually taken note of it before its start, but completely forgot to post something. I did get a chance to check it out this past Friday night — it was held in the basement event space of Omotesando Hills — and I myself was quite upset that I didn’t go earlier, because I probably could have done with a few visits. As you can see from the photos, it quite literally was a library, but of the most amazing kind, filled with terrific independent magazines from around the world. Some of you may recognize the lighting as well — it was provided by my friend Kouichi (Kyouei).

I just really hope they do this again, because I unfortunately don’t get to read as many great international magazines as I’d like because I simply can’t afford them, especially when you factor in the usually quite hefty import cost. And yes, I so wish I could have attended this past weekend’s “Colophon 2009” in Luxembourg. As I twittered recently, I may have built a career on the web, but my true love remains print.