Tag: Google

  • YouTubing in Japan

    The Japan Times has a piece up that looks at the popularity of foreign YouTubers in Japan, with a focus on a Canadian called Sharla, and her YouTube channel “Sharla in Japan.” It’s interesting to see how things have changed since we were seeing the start of stuff like this a decade or so ago (late…

  • Span 2016 Tokyo Livestream

    If you didn’t get a chance to follow the Google Span 2016 conference as it was happening in Tokyo, the archive of the event’s livestream is available for your viewing pleasure. Pictured, a shot taken by Craig, who was also a presenter.

  • Google Span 2016

    Today (October 6, in Japan) in Tokyo is Google Span 2016, a conference featuring “conversations about design and technology,” and I’m blown away by the fantastic lineup, that not only includes a lot of smart people I know, but also a PechaKucha session. The space looks beautiful too. The entire thing is being livestreamed here (from…

  • Tsunehisa Kimura

    You probably recognize the poster on the right, for the movie Oblivion (which I quite liked). On the left is a work from the 70s by artist Tsunehisa Kimura, and yes, I think we can see where the inspiration for the visual on the movie poster came from. Found via this post, that includes a…

  • A Fresh Start

    It wasn’t enough that I’ve had to deal with the strongest sunburn I’ve had in 10-15 years — from hiking on Mount Tanigawa (2000m) this past Sunday — but last night’s attempt at installing Mac OS X Lion on my MacBook Pro ended up in my having to reformat my drive. It was damaged during…

  • Google Push in Japan

    When it comes to searching on the web, Google is king pretty much everywhere in the world, but not Japan. Nope, here, Yahoo! still reigns supreme, and Google has just started a new big push in the country to try and get more people using the G-rated search engine. The new campaign includes of course…