Month: October 2003

  • AV Contest

    A poster for an AV (Adult Video) contest. Make pornos and win big bucks! Sorry for the flash, I should have tilted my camera or something. I took another picture without the flash, but it ended up too blurry (couldn’t tell on the viewfinder at the time).

  • Top Searches of October 2003

    It’s the end of the month, so time again for a look at the top searches for the month. Looks a lot like last month, except for the top. 1. kill bill poster – Certainly a result of my excitement for Tarantino’s new film. 2. kill bill bootleg trailer – Which I quite enjoyed. 3.…

  • Triplets

    Some more funky street designs from Shibuya.

  • Readymade Singles

    Readymade International, Yasuharu Konishi’s record label, released a trio of singles/EPs on vinyl last week that I’ve been giving quite a few listens to (and thanks to Patrick for those rips, I do hope these will come out on CD in the near future). First up (and in order of the images that you see…

  • More Tarantino

    Found this article from THE JAPAN TIMES that covers one of the Tarantino press conferences for the promotion of KILL BILL in Japan.

  • 8th Asian Cartoon Exhibition

    The 8th Asian Cartoon Exhibition will be happening in Akasaka at The Japan Foundation Forum from October 23 to November 11. Sounds like it could be interesting. Here’s what REALTOKYO has to say: As you might or might not guess from this event’s brutally frank title, on display here are comics that do not belong…

  • White Label Camera

    This is what the custom made White Label camera looks like. We send it out to all our artists and stores to document the project. Update (16/08/13): This post was written by Jesper Larsson, as part of a week-long “Next Century Modern Blog” guest stint he did on the site. The image is unfortunately no…

  • White Label @ Colette

    I was very happy the other day when Colette in Paris returned the camera we had sent them after delivering our first White Label t-shirt collection. The picture shows a part of the White Label concept, with t-shirt packaged in 12″ white record sleeves. No time to explain it all: read more about the projekt…

  • Books Are Fun

    Got the following two books from Amazon Japan: MTIV: Process, Inspiration and Practice for the New Media Designer by Hillman Curtis. CSS Pocket Reference by Eric A. Meyer. Can’t wait to have a crack at them, although as the title suggests, the CSS book is more for reference. Can you tell I’m in a design…

  • Bowling

    Some more street designs from Shibuya.