I wasn’t able to enter my Movable Type system to post entries for the past 24 hours because of a scheduled upgrade to my host’s cpanel systems, and that’s also why it was impossible to make comments to posts. The upgrade somehow deleted the MySQL database that my MT installation uses. Seems like my host wasn’t the only one affected by this as the message boards at the MT site were filled with people having the same problem even though they didn’t share the same host. Oh well, no big deal, as everything is OK now.
Right now I’m making this entry from a university in Chiba (Makuhari to be more precise) where Yuko is attending a symposium (she’s giving a presentation). It’s at times like these that I love my .Mac account. I got the news that everything was OK with MT by checking the webmail system (where I can check my mac.com address, as well as do a POP connection to check my regular mail address), and I have access to all my bookmarks through their Bookmarks service (all my bookmarks, which I sync to my .Mac account and my two Macs, are opened in a separate browser window). The only thing that sucks is that I’m doing all of this on a PC. It can’t be a perfect world I guess.
And regarding the site revision, everything is pretty much ready (I think). I just want to do a few more checks and testing in different browsers, so if everything goes fine I should be able to launch it within the next few days. Love it or hate it, it’ll be version 3.0 of the site.