Axis 107

vol107coverPicked up the new issue of AXIS yesterday, hot off the press. The main feature this issue is car design, and although it’s not something I care that much for, I’m sure it’ll bring up some interesting things to consider in any type of design work. This issue also feels thicker than usual, clocking in at around 180 pages. It’s an expensive magazine (1500 yen), but I always find it to be well worth the read. This also reminds me that I’ve yet to visit the Axis building in Roppongi. It hosts a few shops, as well as regular exhibits. If the weather’s nice tomorrow (well, later today actually, it’s quite late here as I write this), I think that’s what I’ll try to do. I think there were other things I wanted to have a look at in the Roppongi area, so I’ll need to search my notes.