Category: Debaser

  • PressPause Update

    PressPause is go. If you’re curious to find out how last week’s first session went, I wrote a short rundown over at the PressPause site. As you’ll see, our first meeting was about getting to know each other, and coming up with the game ideas that we’ll be working on in teams over the course…

  • Mercenary Kings

    I’m pretty sure I don’t like this game. I thought I’d really like it, since it looked like a cross between Metal Slug and Contra, with a more modern design sensibility (and it’s a free PS+ download on PS4), but so far I’m just not really having much fun playing it. The thing that is…

  • Monument Valley

    As everyone has been saying since its release last week, this game is indeed a thing of wonder. The visual aesthetics alone make it a must-buy, but the sounds also add a lot to the good feels you get while playing it. The game so far isn’t particularly challenging – I’ve only played about half…

  • Harmony of Despair

    I remember when this first came out a few years ago, and that I wasn’t too excited about it. I eventually picked it up during a sale, and even then, it took a while before I finally really played it with a friend over, and that’s when this game truly shines. Last night I played…

  • Nintendo Land

    I finally got to play some multiplayer Nintendo Land last night, and it was an absolute blast. Before that I had tried a few of the solo games, and although they were fine, it wasn’t really the kind of thing I’d go back to. But having a bunch of friends over and playing through stuff…

  • Vice

    I’m a big fan of the HBO incarnation of Vice, and with a second season having recently started, I’m again enjoying watching reports on stuff that, well, you just don’t usually see covered by regular news outlets. And I say enjoy, but it’s more constant outrage, like with the report on slavery in Pakistan from…

  • The Desolation of Smaug

    Despite the fact that I love the original LOTR trilogy to death – and have watched the extended editions multiple times – I’ve had trouble getting excited for The Hobbit trilogy. I’m pretty sure it’s the tone I don’t like, due to the overly jolly band of dwarves that form the focus of the films.…

  • Anchorman 2

    It saddens me to say I didn’t find this to be all that great. Sure, there are definitely some big laughs in there, and I quite enjoyed that cameo-filled ridiculous park brawl near the end, but overall, it just felt disappointing. Maybe I just remember Anchorman as being funnier than it was, but there were…

  • Star Wars: Assault Team

    I downloaded another new free-to-play game yesterday, this time for iPad, and it’s Star Wars: Assault Team. It’s sort of a card game – in that the cards basically act as avatars for your characters, that you can upgrade – and each mission has you moving through a space in first-person view, encountering things to…

  • Destiny of Spirits

    This is a new free-to-play game that just came out for Vita, a collaboration between Japan Studio and Q Entertainment. I’m finding it interesting so far, although I just started playing it last night. It’s all about summoning and collecting spirits, and then going on missions that are basically just battles, like what you see…