Category: Media

  • TSiG: The Documentary

    Yesterday I had a look at the documentary that was made on Jesper‘s Tokyo Style in Gothenburg (TSiG) project, and quite liked it. It gives you a nice look at what happened during the event, interviewing a lot of the participants, like Namaiki, ODD, Afrirampo, Shing02, and more. A good document of something I wish…

  • Kuon

    The game KUON for the PS2 is scaring the living shit out of me. I’ve been playing all night, and, well, I just had to stop because I was getting way too stressed. It’s a survival-horror game, a genre I’m not that fond of, but set in the Heian period, and that was the hook…

  • Radio OK Fred Playlist

    If you would like to have a written playlist of Radio OK Fred, you can email this address (or me). Plans are already in the works to record the next shows early next week, so expect some more music soon. Also, I forgot to give thanks to Digiki for mixing the first show — technical…

  • Radio OK Fred

    I teased it a while back, and now the first episode of Radio OK Fred is up for public consumption. We’re going to try to do these every 2 weeks, so let’s hope we can manage that schedule. The first episode doesn’t feature a lot of talk, basically me, Ay2, and Yoshi introducing the tracks…

  • Poguri: The Hole Digging Octopus

    For all you Poguri fans out there (I know you are a legion), here’s the latest strip from TOKYO WALKER. The text in the first box basically says something like: “At the end of the year, the hole-digging (or opening) octopus goes to various places to dig holes.” Remember to read from right to left.…

  • Urbanation: Tokyo

    Doing the rounds on the torrent sites right now is the Tokyo edition of a half-hour travel show called URBANATION, which I just had a look at. Covers a lot of things I’ve mentioned here, so I think a lot of you would probably enjoy waching it, especially if you’ve never been to Tokyo. It…

  • The DS: A Week In

    I’ve had my Nintendo DS for about a week and a half now, and am as excited about playing with it as I was when I first got it. The ability to play using the stylus, or even the thumb pad, just adds so much. You’re entering a new form of gaming, and it’s something…

  • Free Slow

    FREE SLOW is a free zine I picked up at the Devilrobots exhibition the other day. Basically has lots and lots of Devilrobots illustrations, as well as a sticker page. It’s published by Funboo.

  • Koolhaus of Jazz

    Oh, this sounds like a nice thing to do on Christmas day! December is the month when you hear Christmas songs just about everywhere you go. What you usually don’t hear are excellent jazz interpretations, and some of these are really good. The one I recommend most is Naruyoshi Kikuchi Quintet Live Dub’s “The Christmas…

  • Game Shopping

    Wanna see what a Japanese game shop looks like?