Tag: Marxy

  • Ametora

    W. David Marx’s upcoming book on the popularity of the American Ivy League fashion style in Japan in the 60s, Ametora (short for “American Traditional”), comes out on December 1, and you can pre-order it from Amazon. This is a project that David has been slowly cooking – let’s call it a crock-pot of a project…

  • Forgotten Music Gems of the Decade

    Marxy has a piece up on CNNGo covering some of his top picks in terms of underappreciated Japanese music releases of the past decade. Above, Macdonald Duck Eclair‘s “The Eyes Just Like a Fawn’s,” as played through the game Audiosurf.

  • Harajuku Requiem

    There’s a new NĂ©ojaponisme podcast up, featuring Marxy and Patrick Macias discussing Tokyo fashion, past and present. Sometime in November, Marxy of NĂ©ojaponisme and Patrick Macias — author of such books as Cruising the Anime City: An Otaku Guide to Neo Tokyo and Japanese Schoolgirl Inferno: Tokyo Teen Fashion Subculture Handbook — met in Inokashira…