Tag: Movies

  • Pulp Fiction

    Although it’s also been quite a while since I last revisited Pulp Fiction, I was worried heading into it that it would be too familiar, and not as good as I remembered. Well, quite the opposite, not only did I enjoy this almost as much as when I watched it (over and over) back in…

  • Reservoir Dogs

    I still haven’t seen The Hateful Eight (and I do want to see it), but in the meantime I’ve decided to revisit all of the films Tarantino has directed, in order. I of course have fond memories of Reservoir Dogs – and it remains my favorite movie soundtrack (not score) ever – but it’s a movie I…

  • Nightcrawler

    Jake Gyllenhaal is one of my favorite actors, and I was quite looking forward to watching Nightcrawler (had been on my to-watch list for a while now). He’s deliciously creepy in this – playing a guy who stumbles into the job of filming accidents for local news – and the physical transformation he undergoes for…

  • Asterix: The Land of the Gods

    As far as I know, this is the first Asterix animated film done in CG, and they did a really great job with it. The animation is definitely on par with what you expect to see from an American CG movie these days, and I thought it was a great adaptation of the original book.…

  • Electric Boogaloo: The Wild, Untold Story of Cannon Films

    This is such an incredibly good documentary, it’s an absolute must-see if you grew up watching Cannon films in the 80s. It’s an absolute blast from the past, and it’s quite fascinating to find out just who the people behind all these movies were. Can’t recommend this enough.

  • The Martian

    Finally got around to watching this, and yeah, it’s pretty good. I can see that the story would be better told in book form, as you could really get into the main character’s head, but what I saw was pretty entertaining, even if it felt a bit too over-the-top – the whole rescue bit at…

  • Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation

    So here’s the second spy movie I see this year that is about losing trust from the people you work for, while you uncover an evil shadowy organization that is looking to destabilize the world. It really is eery how Rogue Nation follows the same basic blueprint as SPECTRE (and vice versa), but it didn’t…

  • Ex Machina

    This is one of those movies that I’ve been meaning to watch all year – felt so much like something I’d really enjoy. What a fantastic little story, told in a delicate, if somewhat claustrophobic way, with great performances from everyone. When you see a movie get so much praise, it often leads to disappointment,…

  • The Force Awakens

    The question is not really how much did I enjoy this movie, but rather, how many times will I go see it in theatres before I’m satisfied. The praise for this film seems pretty much universal – at least from the reactions from my friends I’m seeing on my social media timelines – but yeah,…

  • Favorite Media of 2015

    It’s my annual tradition in December to write up a list of my favorite media that I consumed throughout the year, that was released that year (here’s my 2014 edition). This is a HIGHLY subjective list, and is made up of stuff that I liked the most out of the stuff I got to experience.…