Port Launch Party

Electronic artist evala launches his new music label, Port, at the Ginza Apple Store.

Known primarily in Osaka as the organizer of the “Port” series of electronic music sessions hosted by Osaka City in 2002 and 2003, artist evala has launched a new label with the same name as his events. The first item in Port’s catalogue is a compilation featuring next to evala himself such creators of cutting-edge electronic music as Slipped Disk, Numb, Kozo Inada and others, and two days after the disk hits the street the release is celebrated with a live music and DJ party. evala is a member of the ATAK team, and both sound and design of the Port label are reminiscent of ATAK in their minimalism and simplicty. The event takes place at Ginza’s Apple Store, where ATAK did their presentation last April, so if you put one and one together you’ll be able to guess that this is less a fun party than a stimulating demonstration of high quality sonic art. (REALTOKYO)

The event takes place November 7 at 7:00 pm, and entry is free.