Open Nature


Time to schedule a visit to the ICC for their new exhibition, “Open Nature.”

“Open Nature” focuses on the “nature” infiltrated in our daily lives through digital information environments, and aims to redefine it as an “open” concept that clears the way for a broader range of relationships between art and technology. Seen through the filter of information technology, our perception of “nature” today extends to structures of various shapes and scales. Technology enables us to travel through virtual realities made from data gathered in outer space or the deep sea, or explore on a nano-level the nature of the human body through genetic engineering, thus it has made visible a nature we are unable to experience first-hand. In topics as odd as “mankind and vegetation”, “climate and architecture”, “spheres and sounds”, or “internet and marathon”, this exhibition presents works and projects from the fields of art, design, and architecture. The displays interlink and convert in a creative way a variety of different forms of information from a challenging new perspective. Qualities that seem opposing by nature, such as micro/macro, visible/invisible, analog/digital, or material/immaterial, melt together to form a new “nature”. Perceivable objects and phenomena invite visitors to imagine the vast amounts of information flowing dynamically behind the scenes, and ultimately embark on a quest to discover potential relationships and new possibilities. A series of talks, symposia and workshops are organised throughout the event. Check the ICC website for more details. (TAB)

The show starts today, and is on until July 3.