Tag: Gaming

  • Game On, but Not for Everyone

    I recently attended theย โ€œGame Onโ€ exhibition here in Montreal, and was disappointed by it. I did have high expectations, as it promised the inclusion of 100 games that were all playable, and although presented here at the Montreal Science Centre, it was originally devised by the Barbican.ย  So whatโ€™s wrong? The biggest issue I could…

  • The WEF Legacy

    My initial intention with this post was to bring up the fact that Kieron Gillen, longtime games journalist, has effectively said goodbye to his game writing days (for the most part) to concentrate fully on his comic writing career, in part bolstered by the fact that he just recently signed an exclusivity deal with Marvel…

  • Recently on GAME

    Just a note to say that I continue to update my new gaming site, GAME, on a regular basis, with a new selection going up every couple of days. The latest additions are the flash “experience” Every Day the Same Dream (pictured above), the latest PixelJunk release (Shooter), classic PlayStation-era platform/puzzler Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee, and…

  • Final Fantasy XIII Launch Day in Tokyo

    Kotaku has posted a great essay by Tim Rogers covering today’s launch of Final Fantasy XIII in Japan — or rather, from the point of view of taking a sensible approach to the launch.

  • Game

    What do I do on Friday nights? Well, this last one I decided to build a site from scratch from an idea I had earlier this week (last Saturday night, actually) and the result is now online, and called Game. As I explain in the “About” page, the idea is simply to recommend games —…

  • Wacka Wacka Chocolate

    Is it just me, or does this photo from MUJI’s Xmas 2009 page for their “gateau au chocolat” mix look like a certain yellow pill-popping fiend.

  • Game Center Dilemma

    Matt Alt shares the responses from a 2channel post that asks Japanese gamers what they play when they go to game centers. The last one he highlights is a bit sad (but almost understandable): Whenever my friends and I go to the game center we basically stand around for a while and leave because there…

  • Score Studios

    It’s been a good month for fellow PauseTalker James Kay, with his Tokyo-based game studio, Score Studios, finally launching its official website, as well as their first few iPhone apps, which includes the sheep herding game Flock It (above).